University of Sistan and Baluchestan

تاریخ: 31 December 2017

Starting a research cooperation between the University of Haut-Alsace (UHA) and University of Sistan and Baluchestan (USB)

After inviting Dr. Amin Rahati as a visiting professor by UHA, a research collaboration has been started between Computer Science departments of UHA and USB. In this cooperation, Ph.D students thesis are jointly supervised by a professor of USB and a professor of UHA. Such students can benefit from either Gundishapur or Eiffel programs. Gundishapur is a program that supports the emergence of high quality scientific cooperation between universities of Iran and France by supporting the mobility of their researchers. However, Ph.D students whose application for Eiffel program is accepted by UHA, will study specific periods in both universities, and thus will obtain Ph.D certificates from both UHA and USB.